Thursday, October 29, 2015

Just for fun

This photo was more just for fun playing with different editing settings.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


 This is another photo I was playing with. Due to the sun, I feel the ducks are a little overexposed and the leaves need brightening just to add color and saturation.

 I played with editing this photo. This is the original, I tried cropping it and maybe bringing out the colors a little more. I wanted other input.

I really like how the starts came out in this, and how you can see the constellation Orion. But I want the brightness in the middle, from streetlights, to not be as loud.


A little late but this was taken from the courtyard area of Rimview one night.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Since we've begun talking about editing, I looked into some ways to edit, and came across this website. It is a tool for beginners looking to edit their photos. In this particular example, they are using Photoshop to better their pictures. Even though we won't be using that program as much, we are still using a lot of the same concepts that are described on the website.